Friday, January 3, 2020

Common Examples Of Child Protective Service - 1687 Words

In 2002 there was estimated to be nearly 3 million referrals to Child Protective Services (CPS) in the United States, and about 5 million in the year 2000 (McWey Mullis, 2004). Children who are living in environments that put them in harms way, depending on the situation are generally removed from their home and placed into a foster home in attempts to keep them safe (Carlson, Egeland Lawrence, 2006). Common examples of Child Protective Service (CPS) referrals include physical abuse, sexual abuse, and psychological maltreatment (McWey Mullis, 2004). In 2001 it was estimated that nearly 542,000 children were in foster care in the United States and that the number of children in foster care exceeded the number of available foster homes by nearly 30-40% (Carlson, Egeland Lawrence, 2006). For many children in foster care, reunification with biological parent or parents is the ultimate goal (McWey, Acock Porter, 2010). In 60% of foster care cases, reunification with biological parent s occurs (Carlson, Egeland Lawrence, 2006) .In order for reunification to be possible, or to help determine whether reunification can occur, children and biological parents have scheduled visits with trained supervisors who monitor the visits (Haight, Kagle Black, 2003). The duty of the supervisor is to look at the parent child interactions and determine whether or not they are appropriate. Supervised visitation has been shown to have positive and negative effects on children who areShow MoreRelatedInteroperability: Child Abuse and Child Protective Services Essay664 Words   |  3 Pagesimportant information amongst one another. An example would be if an organization such as Child Protective Services (CPS) wanted to share client information with another Protective Services agency regarding a client both organizations should be able to exchange and translate information amongst coordinating organizations. 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