Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Idea of the “American Dream” - 1101 Words

The American Dream Final Exam By: Uday Govindswamy Period 2 The idea of the â€Å"American Dream† was first used in the book The Epic of America, written by James Truslow Adams, in 1931. Adams stated that the American Dream is, â€Å"the dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement†¦(31) â€Å". The key elements of the American Dream include: access to a college education, owning a home, enjoying political freedom and being economically independent (Clinton American Dream Initiative 3). Every newly arrived immigrant believes that with hard work he or she will achieve all or most of the elements of the American Dream. The fundamental thesis of the†¦show more content†¦In particular, the typical African-American family had 60% as much income as a Caucasian family in 1968, but only 58% as much as a Caucasian family in 2002 (â€Å"New Report†). This exemplifies that economic discrimination of African-Americans has be en deteriorating rather than improving. Regardless of the economic growth, the economic position of African-Americans has worsened. Thus the American Dream remains a myth for an important part of American society. Economic discrimination of Hispanics can be viewed through the gap between their unemployment rates and those of Caucasians. Hispanics have twice the unemployment rate compared to Caucasians (â€Å"Category C† 201). The statistic suggests that Hispanics have a higher chance of being unemployed because they are not Caucasian. Being unemployed means no income, no health insurance, and no money to educate your children. So, the American Dream stays out of reach of the next generation as well. Moreover, according to a new poll from Xavier University, only 60% believe the American Dream is getting harder, also 68% believe that the dream will be harder to achieve for their children (Good The Atlantic). This proves that the American Dream will only get harder to achieve over time. The above all point to the fact that today for many - the American Dream is a myth. According to the, The American Dream Initiative, a college education is one of the key pillars of the American Dream

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